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ISO20000-1:2011标准 7.1 业务关系管理

2019/3/8 15:33:44


  差异点 说明 新增部分 2011 版新增了应识别服务的用户的要求;

  2011 版新增了“服务提供者应与客户建立沟通机制”的要求。 优化与完善部分

  2011 版为了与 ISO9000 保持一致,使用了相关方(interested parties)替代了利益相关者(stakeholders)术语;

  2011 版强调应对每一个客户指定一名专人负责客户关系及满意度;2005 版仅要求了对整个业务关系流程和服务满意度指定负责人。

  2011 版删除了“至少每年一次”进行服务评审的要求,改为了按照计划的时间间隔进行;

  2011 版删除了服务评审的内容,将其修改为服务绩效评价;

  2011 版在考虑实际执行的基础上,将 2005 版中关于合同和 SLA 的变更修改为“文件化的服务需求变更”的要求;

  2011 版强调SLA的变更应与服务级别管理流程相协调;

  2011 版进一步明确了满意度测量的方式(基于对服务的客户和用户进行有代表性的抽样)。

  删除部分 2011 版对服务评审的方式未做明确要求,2005 版要求召开服务会议和中间会议;

  2011 版删除了“应存在客户满意度调查流程”的要求。


  2011 版本 控制点 2005 版本 控制点 变化度 7.1 业务关系管理 14 7.1 业务关系管理 14 3

  说明:变化度是指新版标准该条款相对旧版标准要求的变化程度,按分值计量,5 分指变化程度最大,0 分指没有变化。


  2011版 2005版 差异分析 服务相关方的识别 The service provider shall identify and document the customers, users and interested parties of the services. 服务提供者应识别并记录服务的客户、用户及相关方。 The service provider shall identify and document the stakeholders and customers of the services. 2011版与ISO9000保持一致,使用了相关方(interested parties)替代了利益相关者(stakeholders)。

  2011版中新增了应识别服务的用户。 客户管理 For each customer, the service provider shall have a designated individual who is responsible for managing the customer relationship and customer satisfaction. 对于每一位客户,服务提供者应指定专职人员管理客户关系和客户满意度。 The service provider shall have a named individual or individuals who are responsible for managing customer satisfaction and the whole business relationship process.



  服务需求的获取 The service provider shall establish a communication mechanism with the customer.

  The communication mechanism shall promote understanding of the business environment in which the services operate and requirements for new or changed services.

  This information shall enable the service provider to respond to these requirements. 服务提供者应与客户建立沟通机制。


  相关信息应促使服务提供者响应这些需求。 The service provider shall remain aware of business needs and major changes in order to prepare to respond to these needs. 2011版和2005版都强调了要主动获取和响应服务需求。但2011版新增了“服务提供者应与客户建立沟通机制”的要求。

  2011版新增了服务需求理解与响应的内涵。 服务的评审 The service provider shall review the performance of the services at planned intervals, with the customer. 服务提供者应与客户按照计划的时间间隔回顾所提供服务的执行情况。 The service provider and customer shall attend a service review to discuss any changes to the service scope, SLA, contract (if present) or the business needs at least annually and shall hold interim meetings at agreed intervals to discuss performance, achievements, issues and action plans. These meetings shall be documented. Other stakeholders in the service may also be invited to the meetings. 2011版删除了至少每年一次进行服务评审的要求,改为了按照计划的时间间隔进行服务执行情况回顾。

  2011版对服务评审的方式未做明确要求,2005版要求召开服务会议和中间会议。 服务需求的变更 Changes to the documented service requirements shall be controlled by the change management process.

  Changes to the SLAs shall be co-ordinated with the service level management process. 对文件化的服务需求的变更应通过变更管理流程控制。对 SLAs 的变更应与服务级别管理流程相协调。 Changes to the contract(s), if present, and SLA(s) shall follow from these meetings as appropriate.

  These changes shall be subject to the change management process. 2011版和2005版都强调了服务需求的变更应纳入变更管理流程进行管理。


  2011版强调SLA的变更应与服务级别管理流程相协调。 服务投诉 The definition of a service complaint shall be agreed with the customer.

  There shall be a documented procedure to manage service complaints from the customer.

  The service provider shall record, investigate, act upon, report and close service complaints.

  Where a service complaint is not resolved through the normal channels, escalation shall be provided to the customer. 服务投诉的定义应与客户协商确定。



  当服务投诉不能通过常规渠道解决时,应向客户提供升级渠道。 There shall be a complaints process. The definition of a formal service complaint shall be agreed with the customer.

  All formal service complaints shall be recorded by the service provider, investigated, acted upon, reported and formally closed.

  Where a complaint is not resolved through the normal channels, escalation shall be available to the customer. 要求基本一致,2011版表达方式更加容易理解。 满意度测量 The service provider shall measure customer satisfaction at planned intervals based on a representative sample of the customers and users of the services.

  The results shall be analysed and reviewed to identify opportunities for improvement. 服务提供者应按照计划的时间间隔,基于对服务的客户和用户进行有代表性的抽样,调查客户满意度。

  应对结果进行分析和回顾以识别改进机会。 A process shall exist for obtaining and acting upon feedback from regular customer satisfaction measurements. Actions for improvement identified during this process shall be recorded and input into a plan for improving the service. 2011版删除了“应存在客户满意度调查流程”的要求。





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