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ISO20000-1:2011标准 7.2 供应商管理

2019/3/8 15:33:44


  差异点 说明 优化与完善部分





  删除部分 2011版删除了“文件化供应商管理程序”的要求。


  2011 版本 控制点 2005 版本 控制点 变化度 7.2 供应商管理 12 7.2 供应商管理 14 2

  说明:变化度是指新版标准该条款相对旧版标准要求的变化程度,按分值计量,5 分指变化程度最大,0 分指没有变化。


  2011版 2005版 差异分析 供应商关系的管理 The service provider may use suppliers to implement and operate some parts of the service management processes.

  An example of supply chain relationships is illustrated in Figure 3.

  For each supplier, the service provider shall have a designated individual who is responsible for managing the relationship, the contract and performance of the supplier. 服务提供者可以将服务管理流程的一部分交由供应商去实施和运行。


  对于每一个供应商,服务提供者应有一个指定的人员负责管理供应商关系、合同和绩效。 The service provider shall have documented supplier management processes and shall name a contract manager responsible for each supplier. 2011版本删除了文件化供应商管理程序的要求。

  2011版强调每一个供应商都需要有专人负责管理,且明确了管理内容供应商关系、合同及绩效的要求,代替了2005版中“要有一个合同经理”的要求。 合同的签署 The service provider and the supplier shall agree a documented contract.

  The contract shall contain or include a reference to:

  a) scope of the services to be delivered by the supplier;

  b) dependencies between services, processes and the parties;

  c) requirements to be fulfilled by the supplier;

  d) service targets;

  e) interfaces between service management processes operated by the supplier and other parties;

  f) integration of the supplier's activities within the SMS;

  g) workload characteristics;

  h) contract exceptions and how these will be handled;

  i) authorities and responsibilities of the service provider and the supplier;

  j) reporting and communication to be provided by the supplier;

  k) basis for charging;

  l) activities and responsibilities for the expected or early termination of the contract and the transfer of services to a different party. 服务提供者应与供应商签署文件化的合同。


  a) 供应商所交付服务的范围;

  b) 服务、流程和相关方之间的依赖关系;

  c) 供应商所需满足的要求;

  d) 服务目标;

  e) 供应商和其他相关方所执行服务管理流程之间的接口;

  f) 将供应商活动整合到SMS 中;

  g) 工作量特性;

  h) 合同例外及其如何处理;

  i) 服务提供者和供应商的权利和职责;

  j) 供应商所需提供的报告和交流信息;

  k) 收费依据;

  l) 合同预期结束或提前结束并向他方转移服务的活动和职责。 The requirements, scope, level of service and communication processes to be provided by the supplier(s) shall be documented in SLAs or other documents and agreed by all parties.

  The interfaces between processes used by each party shall be documented and agreed.

  A process shall be in place to deal with the expected end of service, early end of the service or transfer of service to another party.




  SLA要求的传递 The service provider shall agree with the supplier service levels to support and align with the SLAs between the service provider and the customer. 服务提供者应与供应商就服务级别达成一致,以支持和保证服务提供者和客户之间的服务级别协议。 SLAs with the suppliers shall be aligned with the SLA(s) with the business. 新旧版本要求基本一致,2011版表达方式更加容易理解。 分包方的管理 The service provider shall ensure that roles of, and relationships between, lead and sub-contracted suppliers are documented.

  The service provider shall verify that lead suppliers are managing their sub-contracted suppliers to fulfil contractual obligations. 服务提供者应确保主供应商与分包方之间的职责和关系文件化。

  服务提供者应核实主供应商为满足合同义务而对其分包方进行管理。 All roles and relationships between lead and subcontracted suppliers shall be clearly documented. Lead suppliers shall be able to demonstrate processes to ensure that subcontracted suppliers meet contractual requirements. 2011版删除了至少每年一次进行服务评审的要求,改为了按照计划的时间间隔进行服务执行情况回顾。

  2011版对服务评审的方式未做明确要求,2005版要求召开服务会议和中间会议。 供应商绩效的监控和回顾 The service provider shall monitor the performance of the supplier at planned intervals.

  The performance shall be measured against service targets and other contractual obligations.

  Results shall be recorded and reviewed to identify the causes of nonconformities and opportunities for improvement.

  The review shall also ensure that the contract reflects current requirements. 服务提供者应按照计划的时间间隔监控供应商的绩效。



  评审也应确保合同反映了当前的要求。 A process shall be in place for a major review of the contract or formal agreement at least annually to ensure that business needs and contractual obligations are still being met.

  Performance against service level targets shall be monitored and reviewed. Actions for improvement identified during this process shall be recorded and input into a plan for improving the service. 新旧版本要求基本一致,只是在时间周期上,2011版中用“计划的时间间隔”替代了“至少每年进行一次”。 合同的变更 Changes to the contract shall be controlled by the change management process. 合同的变更应通过变更管理流程控制。 Changes to the contract(s), if present, and SLA(s) shall follow from these reviews as appropriate or at other times as required. Any changes shall be subject to the change management process. 新旧版本要求基本一致。 合同纠纷的处理 There shall be a documented procedure to manage contractual disputes between the service provider and the supplier. 应具备管理服务提供者和供应商之间合同纠纷的文件化程序。 A process shall exist to deal with contractual disputes. 新旧版本要求基本一致,2011版表达方式更加容易理解。

  NOTE 1 The scope of the supplier management process excludes the selection of suppliers and the procurement of services.


  NOTE 2 Further examples of supply chain relationships are shown in ISO/IEC TR 20000-3.

  注2:供应链关系的更进一步的示例在ISO/IEC TR 20000-3中展示。




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